June 21, 2018 Ailish Corbett Advice, Motivation, Play the Violin, Practice Tips, University, Anxiety My Life In COLOUR! overcoming anxiety and depression! June 21, 2018 Ailish Corbett Advice, Motivation, Play the Violin, Practice Tips, University, Anxiety My Life In COLOUR! How Ailish Corbett over came anxiety and depression!
May 26, 2018 Ailish Corbett Motivation, Play the Violin, Age, Practice Tips Never Too Late - Reasons Why Age is NOT a Requirement for Learning The Violin May 26, 2018 Ailish Corbett Motivation, Play the Violin, Age, Practice Tips It is a MYTH that age has something to do with one’s ability to play a new instrument. Learning the violin when you were 6 does NOT mean you are any better off then someone who started at 60.