My Life In COLOUR! overcoming anxiety and depression!

Hello everyone! 

As I have mentioned in my previous posts, I have suffered from anxiety and depression. I like to talk about this aspect of my life because most people know me as a bubbly, colourful person. Even during my grey days, I always found it really easy to put on a happy face. 

Feeling like I was living my life through a grey haze wasn't normal. However, I didn't know this  until my dentist got the ball rolling for me!  I used to be  anxious over "normal" things like, asking someone a question or getting on the bus, or asking a server for ketchup. I figured that feeling inner turmoil over very pedestrian things was typical for everyone, it just wasn't something we talked about. I thought that my sad days were typical for a "sensitive artist." I also thought that being incredibly self critical was a part of being an artist, too.

But then one random Thursday I  was referred by my dentist of all people, to The Musicians Clinic of Canada, because my neck felt weird to him. I had no idea that my trip to the dentist would change my outlook on life. 

The doctors at the Musicians Clinic realized quickly that I suffered from anxiety. It manifested itself by adding tension to my neck and shoulders during my performances, and in my every day life. Through some great therapy, mindfulness training and good old exercise, I can say that my life is much more colourful these days! I still suffer from anxiety, I still put things off that I shouldn’t, I still can be overly critical, and I can get sad, very sad. However, those days are few and far between, and mostly happen when I do not check in with my physical and emotional needs. I am not "cured," but I manage my symptoms a lot better now. 

I talk about my issues openly because I am not what one pictures when the words, "depressed or anxious" are brought up. I talk about this because it it my hope that other, “high functioning,” people can check in with themselves and maybe realize that life can be a lot more colourful!  Sometimes we just need to accept a little help to get some healthy perspectives in life!

What are you doing to live life in colour?

Musically yours,

Ailish Corbett 

This photo makes me feel like a cool, but urban rainbow. Thank you to Trevor PS for the wonderful shot!

This photo makes me feel like a cool, but urban rainbow. Thank you to Trevor PS for the wonderful shot!