Never Too Late - Reasons Why Age is NOT a Requirement for Learning The Violin
Today, one of my neighbours struck up a conversation with me in the elevator. I was on my way to go play in a pit orchestra for a local high school’s production of Fiddler on the Roof. The typical, “is that a violin, no its viola,” conversation ensued. She then went on to describe how much she enjoyed playing violin in high school, and that she was not very good but she loved it, and she was too old to start again.
I then told her what I say to EVERYONE who is somewhat interested in the violin or music,
“It is never too late to learn something new!”
I have been teaching violin, viola and piano privately for five years now, and before that I volunteered with an orchestra, helping with beginner group lessons. I have had my fair share of students over the years, and you know what, its the ADULT learners who really excel the fastest. They get over the “cat screech,” phase of playing the violin very quickly, and they generally learn to read music faster.
It is a MYTH that age has something to do with one’s ability to play a new instrument. Learning the violin when you were 6 does NOT mean you are any better off then someone who started at 60. I started playing violin at 13, and now I have just finished my B.Mus. Age is not a requirement for learning a new instrument. The only things needed are:
Patience, Passion and Perseverance
These three things are integral to learning a new instrument. Age is just a number and NEVER use it an an excuse to start something new!
Have I convinced you? Sweet, email me for lessons at or get in touch with me and I can try to hook you up with a local teacher
Musically yours,
Ailish Corbett
Ailish Corbett's viola vs her 6 year old student's violin